The Royal Kids story originated in South India over 50 years ago.
As Father Anton Cruz prepared to board a city bus, some street children frantically handed him an abandoned newborn in significant malnutrition and distress, saying, “You are a father! Feed this baby some milk!” As Father Anton rushed to the hospital to seek medical assistance, the baby died in his arms. He had been unable to help this helpless baby and wrestled with the meaning of why God did not allow him to save this little one.
A noble call
The impact of the encounter with the suffering newborn never left Father Anton. It led him to discover how to help the left-behind children of India.
Father Anton had tremendous respect for Mother Teresa of Calcutta, knowing that she worked tirelessly with the poorest of the poor, so he traveled to work alongside her for a short time. At the end of his time, despite his great respect, he knew his journey would be along a different path. The Sisters of Mercy ministered to the needs of the lowest society members, but the pressing question of their futures haunted Father Anton.
When pondering this question, the children in Father Anton’s heart and mind had great potential. After saving these children from the trash, could the treasure inside of them be discovered, nurtured, and championed? What if the weakest, discarded children of Indian society could be rescued and transformed into tomorrow’s leaders?
Royal Kids is born
The question continued to resound in Father Anton’s heart: There are thousands of preachers, teachers, and givers…but where are the fathers? Thus began the 30-year journey of Royal Kids—ministering to the discarded children of India and now other nations. Royal Kids reaches far to rescue street children, exploited children, and forgotten poor and sick children. Our philosophy is to give immediate physical aid and a holistic approach that includes education at the highest levels possible.
Our commitment is also to serve each child’s emotional and spiritual needs, intentionally helping to rebuild their families of origin. This tri-generational restoration model means these same children become the leaders and pillars of the societies in which they live. The blessing and transformation are passed from generation to generation.
Royal Kids holistically serves, heals, and empowers over 10,000 children annually in 12 countries.