Hi Friend,
Thank Him! I am at the highest mountain in my state, Tamilnadu, with my praying team. I am praying for each and every one of you. I’m praying that You will take off! You will fly high! You will see from above like an eagle! Amen! Thank Him!
God spared my life for the third time in Korea from Covid.
Another miracle! Thank you Jesus!
My wife Jessie was taken to hospital in Taiwan for a hip bone checkup. She started limping again. Doctor found out that her inner bone was broken and to his surprise no broken piece was found inside the tissue, but she is still walking without bone, but this is another miracle! Thank you Jesus!
Recently, I fell down from my motor bike and hit the back side of my head on the road. I was rushed to the hospital.
Every day is extra time to experience His Love and show the Father’s love to orphans and children on the street. Thank you Jesus for giving me and every one of us extra opportunities to love you. Amen!
Also, two of our children have gone to Canada for higher studies.
Thank you, Jesus!
Daily, people are sending prayers and our children are praying daily by phone and zoom. Many miracles and healings have taken place. Thank you Jesus!
2023 will be an extraordinary year for you. You will accomplish what you missed out on so far! What you have been desiring and praying for for a long time will be accomplished this year. God will give you good connections.
Connections will be turned into good relationships, Amen!
You will take off!
Prayer and Blessings,
Father Anton Cruz