Hi Friend,
Thank you for praying for and supporting Royal Kids as we seek to give the precious children entrusted to us a royal identity, a chance to lead, and a future of hope.
Transforming communities so that children in future generations are treasured, protected, and empowered involves reaching beyond children to adults, parents, and grandparents. Transformation is taking place in communities here, and we thank God for YOU, our faithful partners. Your compassion and generosity make it possible to care for those of any age who are suffering, alone, and hopeless. Every life is a treasure, regardless of health diagnosis or rejection. Today I want to share an encouraging testimony with you from a village nearby.
Babu lived in a small rural village in Andra. In his adulthood, he discovered that he had HIV. His wife and children abandoned him when they learned of his disease. Soon, he was rejected by his entire community as well.
For over seven years, he suffered in complete isolation. None of his family or neighbors would visit or even speak to him due to their fears and judgment about his disease.

When Royal Kids heard about Babu’s rejection, they visited him as soon as possible. Our staff sat with him and had long conversations together. For the first time in over seven years, he was treated with kindness, respect, and dignity. Royal Kids brought Babu food, medicine, and other provisions he needed. They cared for his emotional and spiritual needs by treating him with kindness and friendship. Living in conditions of such deep isolation for so many years was mentally and emotionally damaging. The kind human interaction was enough to lift Babu’s spirit and give him a ray of hope. The Royal Kids children intercessors visited and prayed for him often, filling his heart and home with joy.
As Royal Kids staff and children visited Babu, his neighbors began to take notice. Soon they began to speak to him, treat him kindly, and help him get the necessary provisions. His sense of community was restored by the children and staff of Royal Kids taking leadership and initiative to treasure him as a person made in the image of God.
Babu’s story is just one example of how one step of kindness can change a whole community, and begin a generational transformation! You are part of Babu’s story, and every life touched by Royal Kids. I pray this story encourages you and brings you joy today.
Prayer and Blessings,
Amazing Grace Cruz
Executive Director